Index for belu

Beluch, L.[Lukasz] * 2017: Spatial Characteristics of Twitter Users: Toward the Understanding of Geosocial Media Production

Beluch, W.[William] * 2021: DiagViB-6: A Diagnostic Benchmark Suite for Vision Models in the Presence of Shortcut and Generalization Opportunities
* 2021: On-manifold Adversarial Data Augmentation Improves Uncertainty Calibration
* 2023: Anomaly-Aware Semantic Segmentation via Style-Aligned OoD Augmentation

Beluch, W.H.[William H.] * 2018: Power of Ensembles for Active Learning in Image Classification, The

Belurkar, S.[Sushma] * 2024: Wavelet scattering- and object detection-based computer vision for identifying dengue from peripheral blood microscopy

Belussi, A. * 2005: Automatic Updating of Urban Vector Maps
* 2012: framework for integrating multi-accuracy spatial data in geographical applications, A
* 2012: Topological operators: a relaxed query processing approach
* 2015: Impact of data representation rules on the robustness of topological relation evaluation
* 2020: Skewness-Based Partitioning in SpatialHadoop
* 2020: template-based approach for the specification of 3D topological constraints, A
Includes: Belussi, A. Belussi, A.[Alberto]

Belussi, L.F.F.[Luiz F. F.] * 2013: Fast Component-Based QR Code Detection in Arbitrarily Acquired Images

Beluzo, C.[Carlos] * 2020: Exposing Presentation Attacks by a Combination of Multi-intrinsic Image Properties, Convolutional Networks and Transfer Learning

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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