Index for bisp

Bispo, A.[Aline] * 2011: Use of High-Pass Filters and the Inpainting Method to Clouds Removal and Their Impact on Satellite Images Classification, The

Bispo, E.M. * 1993: Visually Salient 3D Model Acquisition from Range Data

Bispo, J.[Joao] * 2023: Enhancing Object Detection in Maritime Environments Using Metadata
Includes: Bispo, J.[Joao] Bispo, J.[João]

Bispo, P.[Polyanna_da_Conceicao] * 2020: Carbon Dynamics in a Human-Modified Tropical Forest: A Case Study Using Multi-Temporal LiDAR Data
Includes: Bispo, P.[Polyanna_da_Conceicao] Bispo, P.[Polyanna_da_Conceição]

Bispo, P.C. * 2019: Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Colombia's Forest Aboveground Biomass Using SAR and Optical Data

Bispo, P.D.[Polyanna Da_Conceicao] * 2020: Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
Includes: Bispo, P.D.[Polyanna Da_Conceicao] Bispo, P.D.[Polyanna Da_Conceição]

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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