Index for boto

Boto Giralda, D. * 2011: Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
Includes: Boto Giralda, D. Boto-Giralda, D.

Boto, F. * 2002: incremental and hierarchical K-NN classifier for handwritten characters, An
* 2002: Multidimensional multistage K-NN classifiers for handwritten digit recognition
* 2006: Cut Digits Classification with k-NN Multi-specialist
* 2009: Comparison of Segmentation Algorithms for the Zebrafish Heart in Fluorescent Microscopy Images
Includes: Boto, F. Boto, F.[Fernando]

Boto, P. * 2017: Unambiguous Techniques Modernized GNSS Signals: Surveying the solutions

Botonis, A.[Athanasios] * 2020: Reliability Analysis of an Evaluation Experiment on Cultural Websites

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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