Index for buca

Bucak, S. * 2013: Low complexity image matching using color based SIFT
* 2013: Mid-level feature based local descriptor selection for image search

Bucak, S.S.[Serhat Selcuk] * 2007: Video Content Representation by Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* 2008: Incremental clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization
* 2009: Efficient multi-label ranking for multi-class learning: Application to object recognition
* 2009: Incremental subspace learning via non-negative matrix factorization
* 2011: Multi-label learning with incomplete class assignments
* 2013: Online video scene clustering by competitive incremental NMF
* 2014: Multiple Kernel Learning for Visual Object Recognition: A Review
Includes: Bucak, S.S.[Serhat Selcuk] Bucak, S.S.[Serhat S.]
7 for Bucak, S.S.

Bucarelli, M.S.[Maria Sofia] * 2023: Leveraging Inter-Rater Agreement for Classification in the Presence of Noisy Labels

Bucaro, J.A.[Joseph A.] * 1999: Multiaspect Target Identification with Wave-Based Matched Pursuits and Continuous Hidden Markov Models

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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