Index for budh

Budhaditya, S.[Saha] * 2012: Improved subspace clustering via exploitation of spatial constraints

Budhai, M.[Manjekar] * 2018: ASSIST: Personalized Indoor Navigation via Multimodal Sensors and High-Level Semantic Information

Budhathoki, N.[Nama] * 2018: Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience

Budhi, G.S.[Gregorious Satia] * 2021: Combining Sentiment Lexicons and Content-Based Features for Depression Detection

Budhiman, S.[Syarif] * 2012: Deriving optical properties of Mahakam Delta coastal waters, Indonesia using in situ measurements and ocean color model inversion
* 2020: Wide-Area Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Tropical Forest Degradation and Deforestation Using Sentinel-1

Budhiraja, I.[Ishan] * 2023: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheme

Budhiraja, R.[Rahul] * 2012: Escape from Meadwyn 4: A cross-platform environment for collaborative navigation tasks
* 2020: Hybrid Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying With Users and Relay Hardware Impairments
Includes: Budhiraja, R.[Rahul] Budhiraja, R.

Budhiraja, S.[Sumit] * 2021: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Sparse Representation and Spatial Frequency in DTCWT Domain

Budhiraju, K.M.[Krishna M.] * 2019: Convolutional network architectures for super-resolution/sub-pixel mapping of drone-derived images

Budhkar, P.[Prerna] * 2023: CPU Microarchitectural Performance Analysis of SVT-AV1 Encoder

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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