Index for buke

Buke, B.[Burak] * 2001: Hand Recognition Using Implicit Polynomials and Geometric Features
* 2002: One class classification using implicit polynomial surface fitting
* 2003: Combining implicit polynomials and geometric features for hand recognition
Includes: Buke, B.[Burak] Büke, B.[Burak] (Maybe also Bueke, B.)Buke, B.

Buker, C.[Cordt] * 2011: Zwei-skaliger Ansatz zur Aktualisierung landwirtschaftlicher Referenzkulissen (LPIS)
* 2013: Die Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Fernerkundungskontrolle
Includes: Buker, C.[Cordt] Büker, C.[Cordt] (Maybe also Bueker, C.)

Buker, U. * 1994: communication module for parallel image analysis on the transputer image processing system, A
* 1996: Knowledge Based View Control of a Neural 3-D Object Recognition System
* 1998: Learning in an Active Hybrid Vision System
* 2000: Cooperative Agents for Object Recognition
* 2000: Object Representation: on Combining Viewer-centered and Object-centered Elements
Includes: Buker, U. Büker, U. (Maybe also Bueker, U.)Büker, U.[Ulrich] (Maybe also Bueker, U.)

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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