Index for fain

Faini, S.[Stefano] * 2006: Efficient Word Retrieval by Means of SOM Clustering and PCA

Fainman, Y. * 1988: Comparison of eigenvector-based pattern recognition algorithms for hybrid systems
* 2017: Element-wise uniqueness, prior knowledge, and data-dependent resolution
Includes: Fainman, Y. Fainman, Y.[Yeshaiahu]

Fainzilberg, L.S. * 1994: Interconnection between features properties and probability of error in statistical recognition of two classes
* 1995: Computer analysis and recognition of cognitive phase space electro-cardio graphic image
* 1996: Why Relevant Features May Be Unuseful in Statistical Recognition of Two Classes
Includes: Fainzilberg, L.S. Fainzilberg, L.S.[Leonid S.]

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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