Index for fjor

Fjortoft, R.[Roger] * 1996: Region-based enhancement and analysis of SAR images
* 1998: Comments on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* 1998: Optimal Multiedge Detector for SAR Image Segmentation, An
* 1999: Optimal Edge Detection and Edge Localization in Complex SAR Images with Correlated Speckle
* 2001: Compound Distribution for Radar Images
* 2001: Generalised Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Classification based on Hidden Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Random Fields
* 2005: Bayesian Approach to Classification of Multiresolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2005: Compact Polarimetry Based on Symmetry Properties of Geophysical Media: The pi/4 Mode
* 2014: KaRIn on SWOT: Characteristics of Near-Nadir Ka-Band Interferometric SAR Imagery
Includes: Fjortoft, R.[Roger] Fjortoft, R. Fjørtoft, R. Fjørtoft, R.[Roger]
9 for Fjortoft, R.

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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