Index for fry_

Fry, D.L.[Danny L.] * 2018: Impact of Error in Lidar-Derived Canopy Height and Canopy Base Height on Modeled Wildfire Behavior in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA

Fry, J. * 2008: Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple electro-optic sensors
* 2009: comparison of bicubic and biquintic interpolators suitable for real-time hardware implementation, A
* 2010: system and method for auto-correction of first order lens distortion, A
* 2018: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies, A
Includes: Fry, J. Fry, J.[Jonathan] Fry, J.[Joyce]

Fry, K. * 2006: TES Ground Data System Software

Fry, M.[Martin] * 2011: Combined MR imaging towards subject-specific knee contact analysis
* 2021: Indian COSMOS Network (ICON): Validating L-Band Remote Sensing and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products, The
Includes: Fry, M.[Martin] Fry, M.[Matthew]

Fry, M.E.[Martin E.] * 2000: method for three-dimensional time-resolved optical tomography, A

Fry, P.M.[Patrick M.] * 2022: Giant Planet Atmospheres: Dynamics and Variability from UV to Near-IR Hubble and Adaptive Optics Imaging

Fry, T.W. * 2005: SPIHT Image Compression on FPGAs

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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