Index for gamm

Gammell, J.D.[Jonathan D.] * 2013: Blinded by the Light: Exploiting the Deficiencies of a Laser Rangefinder for Rover Attitude Estimation
* 2013: Proof-of-Concept, Rover-Based System for Autonomously Locating Methane Gas Sources on Mars, A

Gammelli, D.[Daniele] * 2022: Generalized multi-output Gaussian process censored regression
* 2022: Recurrent flow networks: A recurrent latent variable model for density estimation of urban mobility

Gammelmark, K.L.[Kim Lokke] * 2003: Multielement synthetic transmit aperture imaging using temporal encoding

Gammerman, A.[Alexander] * 2022: Special Issue on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications: Preface

Gammeter, S.[Stephan] * 2008: Articulated Multi-body Tracking under Egomotion
* 2009: I Know What You Did Last Summer: Object-level Auto-annotation of Holiday Snaps
* 2009: Mining from large image sets
* 2010: Server-side object recognition and client-side object tracking for mobile augmented reality
* 2010: Size Does Matter: Improving Object Recognition and 3D Reconstruction with Cross-Media Analysis of Image Clusters
* 2011: Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-reciprocal nearest neighbors

Gammie, C.F.[Charles F.] * 2021: Inference of Black Hole Fluid-Dynamics from Sparse Interferometric Measurements

Gammulle, H.[Harshala] * 2017: Two Stream LSTM: A Deep Fusion Framework for Human Action Recognition
* 2018: Multi-level Sequence GAN for Group Activity Recognition
* 2018: Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2019: Coupled Generative Adversarial Network for Continuous Fine-Grained Action Segmentation
* 2019: Predicting the Future: A Jointly Learnt Model for Action Anticipation
* 2020: Fine-grained action segmentation using the semi-supervised action GAN
* 2020: Hierarchical Attention Network for Action Segmentation
* 2021: TMMF: Temporal Multi-Modal Fusion for Single-Stage Continuous Gesture Recognition
* 2023: Continuous Human Action Recognition for Human-Machine Interaction: A Review
9 for Gammulle, H.

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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