Index for gloo

Gloor, E.[Emanuel] * 2018: Individual tree crown delineation in a highly diverse tropical forest using very high resolution satellite images
* 2019: Quantifying Canopy Tree Loss and Gap Recovery in Tropical Forests under Low-Intensity Logging Using VHR Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR
* 2020: Regional Mapping and Spatial Distribution Analysis of Canopy Palms in an Amazon Forest Using Deep Learning and VHR Images

Gloor, P.[Peter] * 2022: Emotions are the Great Captains of Our Lives: Measuring Moods Through the Power of Physiological and Environmental Sensing
* 2023: Rhythm of Flow: Detecting Facial Expressions of Flow Experiences Using CNNs, The

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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