Index for golb

Golba, R.[Radoslaw] * 2023: Concept of a Georeferential Spatial Database of Topographic-Historical Objects (GSDoT-HO): A Case Study of the Cadastral Map of Torun (Poland), The

Golbabaee, M.[Mohammad] * 2012: Joint trace/TV norm minimization: A new efficient approach for spectral compressive imaging
* 2013: Compressive Source Separation: Theory and Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2014: SCOOP: A Real-Time Sparsity Driven People Localization Algorithm
Includes: Golbabaee, M.[Mohammad] Golbabaee, M.

Golbach, F.[Franck] * 2016: Validation of plant part measurements using a 3D reconstruction method suitable for high-throughput seedling phenotyping

Golberger, J. * 2002: Probabilistic models for generating, modelling and matching image categories

Golbert, A.[Avram] * 2014: Piecewise Planar and Non-Planar Segmentation of Large Complex 3D Urban Models
* 2023: Vision Transformers with Mixed-Resolution Tokenization
* 2024: Diverse Imagenet Models Transfer Better

Golbol, M.[Melek] * 2020: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration Infrastructure

Golbon Haghighi, M. * 2019: Ground Clutter Detection for Weather Radar Using Phase Fluctuation Index
Includes: Golbon Haghighi, M. Golbon-Haghighi, M.

Golbreich, C. * 2009: Hybrid System Using Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge for the Semantic Annotation of Sulco-Gyral Anatomy in Brain MRI Images, A

Golby, A.J. * 2005: Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI
* 2008: Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter intra-voxel fiber crossings: Assessed by fMRI
Includes: Golby, A.J. Golby, A.J.[Alexandra J.]

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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