Index for gota

Gotad, S.[Siddhesh] * 2023: CountNet3D: A 3D Computer Vision Approach to Infer Counts of Occluded Objects

Gotardo, P.[Paulo] * 2021: Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-Aware Style Transfer
* 2023: Continuous Landmark Detection with 3D Queries
* 2023: ReNeRF: Relightable Neural Radiance Fields with Nearfield Lighting

Gotardo, P.F.U. * 2001: Edge-based Image Segmentation Using Curvature Sign Maps from Reflectance and Range Images
* 2002: global-to-local approach for robust range image segmentation, A
* 2003: Range image registration using enhanced genetic algorithms
* 2003: Range image segmentation by surface extraction using an improved robust estimator
* 2004: Robust extraction of planar and quadric surfaces from range images
* 2006: New Deformable Model for Boundary Tracking in Cardiac MRI and Its Application to the Detection of Intra-Ventricular Dyssynchrony, A
* 2011: Computing Smooth Time Trajectories for Camera and Deformable Shape in Structure from Motion with Occlusion
* 2011: Kernel non-rigid structure from motion
* 2011: Non-rigid structure from motion with complementary rank-3 spaces
* 2012: Learning Spatially-Smooth Mappings in Non-Rigid Structure From Motion
* 2014: Salient and non-salient fiducial detection using a probabilistic graphical model
* 2015: Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* 2015: What Is a Good Day for Outdoor Photometric Stereo?
* 2021: Single Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo
Includes: Gotardo, P.F.U. Gotardo, P.F.U.[Paulo F. U.] Gotardo, P.F.U.[Paulo F.U.]
14 for Gotardo, P.F.U.

Gotardo, R.A. * 2009: Resource Recommendation Using Adaptive Automaton

Gotarredona, C.S.[Carmen Serrano] * 2014: Statistical-Based Segmentation of Bone Structures via Continuous Max-Flow Optimization

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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