Index for gurp

Gurpinar, C.[Cemal] * 2020: New Facial Expression Processing System for an Affectively Aware Robot, A
* 2022: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in children with hearing impairment for a socially assistive robot platform

Gurpinar, E.[Emre] * 2021: Electric Drive Technology Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Future Electric Vehicles

Gurpinar, F.[Furkan] * 2016: Combining Deep Facial and Ambient Features for First Impression Estimation
* 2016: Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
* 2016: Multimodal fusion of audio, scene, and face features for first impression estimation
* 2017: Multi-modal Score Fusion and Decision Trees for Explainable Automatic Job Candidate Screening from Video CVs
* 2017: Video-based emotion recognition in the wild using deep transfer learning and score fusion
* 2022: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality From Videos
Includes: Gurpinar, F.[Furkan] Gürpinar, F.[Furkan] (Maybe also Guerpinar, F.)Gürpinar, F. (Maybe also Guerpinar, F.)

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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