Index for guse

Guseman, L.F. * 1979: Distance preserving linear feature selection
* 1979: Linear feature selection with applications
Includes: Guseman, L.F. Guseman, Jr., L.F.

Gusev, A. * 2006: SVD-Based Grayscale Image Quality Measure for Local and Global Assessment, An
* 2023: Extracting Mare-like Cryptomare Deposits in Cryptomare Regions Based on CE-2 MRM Data Using SVM Method
Includes: Gusev, A. Gusev, A.[Alexander]

Gusev, E.[Egor] * 2022: Remote Sensing of Infrasound Signals of the Voice of the Sea during the Evolution of Typhoons

Gusev, E.S.[Egor S.] * 2021: Cyclonic Process of the Voice of the Sea Microseism Generation and Its Remote Monitoring

Gusev, G. * 2018: 3DBodyTex: Textured 3D Body Dataset
* 2019: BODYFITR: Robust Automatic 3D Human Body Fitting
* 2020: 3D Sparse Deformation Signature for Dynamic Face Recognition
* 2020: Pvdeconv: Point-Voxel Deconvolution for Autoencoding CAD Construction in 3D
* 2023: SepicNet: Sharp Edges Recovery by Parametric Inference of Curves in 3D Shapes
* 2023: SHARP Challenge 2023: Solving CAD History and pArameters Recovery from Point clouds and 3D scans. Overview, Datasets, Metrics, and Baselines
Includes: Gusev, G. Gusev, G.[Gleb]

Gusev, M.[Marjan] * 2017: Improved pipelined wavelet implementation for filtering ECG signals
* 2023: Serverless Electrocardiogram Stream Processing in Federated Clouds With Lambda Architecture

Gusev, N.[Nikita] * 2018: Coded Two-Bucket Cameras for Computer Vision

Gusev, S. * 2019: Early Calibration and Performance Assessments of NOAA-20 VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands

Gusev, V. * 1995: optical tomographic method in medicine, The

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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