Index for gwon

Gwon, C.[Chul] * 2023: ODSmoothGrad: Generating Saliency Maps for Object Detectors

Gwon, D.[Daehyeok] * 2021: Novel video coding methods for versatile video coding

Gwon, G.P. * 2017: Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi

Gwon, M.G.[Mi Gyeong] * 2023: Sampling is Matter: Point-Guided 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction
Includes: Gwon, M.G.[Mi Gyeong] Gwon, M.G.[Mi-Gyeong]

Gwon, S.[Soonyong] * 2024: Balanced and Essential Modality-Specific and Modality-Shared Representations for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2024: Enhancing Diverse Intra-identity Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Gwon, Y.[Youngjune] * 2016: Deep Sparse-coded Network (DSN)
* 2020: Dofnet: Depth of Field Difference Learning for Detecting Image Forgery
* 2021: ILVR: Conditioning Method for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* 2022: BiHPF: Bilateral High-Pass Filters for Robust Deepfake Detection
* 2022: ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision
* 2022: Shuffle and Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text
* 2023: Standardized Procedure to Build a Spectral Library for Hazardous Chemicals Mixed in River Flow Using Hyperspectral Image, A
* 2023: Unsupervised Classification of Riverbed Types for Bathymetry Mapping in Shallow Rivers Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Gwon, Y.[Youngjune] Gwon, Y.[Yeonghwa]
8 for Gwon, Y.

Gwon, Y.J.[Young June] * 2021: Analyzing Zero-shot Cross-lingual Transfer in Supervised NLP Tasks
* 2021: Evaluation of BERT and ALBERT Sentence Embedding Performance on Downstream NLP Tasks
* 2021: KoreALBERT: Pretraining a Lite BERT Model for Korean Language Understanding
* 2021: VaB-AL: Incorporating Class Imbalance and Difficulty with Variational Bayes for Active Learning
* 2023: Document Change Detection With Hierarchical Patch Comparison
Includes: Gwon, Y.J.[Young June] Gwon, Y.J.[Young-June]

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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