Index for haan

Haanen, A.[Anselm] * 2017: 3D Digital Cadastre for New Zealand and the International Opportunity, A

Haanpaa, D.[Douglas] * 2001: Pose determination and tracking by matching 3D objects to a 2D sensor
* 2006: Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Processing, An
* 2011: Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
* 2015: 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
* 2015: Machine vision algorithms for robust animal species identification
Includes: Haanpaa, D.[Douglas] Haanpaa, D. Haanpaa, D.[Doug]

Haans, A.[Antal] * 2023: Receiving a Mediated Touch From Your Partner vs. a Male Stranger: How Visual Feedback of Touch and Its Sender Influence Touch Experience

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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