Index for halg

Halgamuge, M.N. * 2011: Handoff Optimization Using Hidden Markov Model

Halgamuge, S. * 2006: Optimised Landmark Model Matching for Face Recognition
* 2007: Gabor wavelet similarity maps for optimising hierarchical road sign classifiers
* 2011: Comparing two video-based techniques for driver fatigue detection: classification versus optical flow approach
* 2023: NAPA-VQ: Neighborhood Aware Prototype Augmentation with Vector Quantization for Continual Learning
* 2023: Undercover Deepfakes: Detecting Fake Segments in Videos
Includes: Halgamuge, S. Halgamuge, S.[Saman]

Halgamuge, S.K. * 2020: Survey of Algorithms for Distributed Charging Control of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid, A
* 2022: Coordinated Charge and Discharge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles for Load Curve Shaping
Includes: Halgamuge, S.K. Halgamuge, S.K.[Saman K.]

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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