Index for harc

Harch, B.D. * 2006: Accurately defining the reference condition for summary biotic metrics

Harchaoui, Z.[Zaid] * 2007: Image Classification with Segmentation Graph Kernels
* 2011: Actom sequence models for efficient action detection
* 2011: time series kernel for action recognition, A
* 2012: Large-scale image classification with trace-norm regularization
* 2012: Recognizing activities with cluster-trees of tracklets
* 2012: Towards good practice in large-scale learning for image classification
* 2013: DeepFlow: Large Displacement Optical Flow with Deep Matching
* 2013: Label-Embedding for Attribute-Based Classification
* 2013: Temporal Localization of Actions with Actoms
* 2014: Activity representation with motion hierarchies
* 2014: Category-Specific Video Summarization
* 2014: Fast and Robust Archetypal Analysis for Representation Learning
* 2014: Good Practice in Large-Scale Learning for Image Classification
* 2014: Transformation Pursuit for Image Classification
* 2015: EpicFlow: Edge-preserving interpolation of correspondences for optical flow
* 2015: Learning to detect Motion Boundaries
* 2015: Learning to Track for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* 2015: Local Convolutional Features with Unsupervised Training for Image Retrieval
* 2016: DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching
* 2016: Label-Embedding for Image Classification
* 2017: Convolutional Patch Representations for Image Retrieval: An Unsupervised Approach
* 2019: Object Discovery in Videos as Foreground Motion Clustering
22 for Harchaoui, Z.

Harcombe, G.[Gareth] * 2023: Identifying Athletics Tracks using Keypoint Detection

Harcourt Smith, W.[Will] * 2009: Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis
Includes: Harcourt Smith, W.[Will] Harcourt-Smith, W.[Will]

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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