Index for hibb

Hibbard, L.S.[Lyndon S.] * 2009: GPU-accelerated, gradient-free MI deformable registration for atlas-based MR brain image segmentation

Hibbard, P. * 1998: Linear and nonlinear transparency in binocular vision
* 1999: Stereopsis from Contrast Envelopes

Hibbard, P.B. * 2015: Ordinal judgments of depth in monocularly- and stereoscopically-viewed photographs of complex natural scenes
* 2015: Quality, quantity and precision of depth perception in stereoscopic displays

Hibbs, E.B. * 1976: Detection Threshold Estimation for Digital Area Correlation
Includes: Hibbs, E.B. Hibbs, Jr., E.B.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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