Index for huar

Huard, J.F. * 1999: Implementing multiplexing, streaming, and server interaction for MPEG-4

Huarrg, Q. * 1998: Indoor Monitoring Via the Collaboration Between a Peripheral Sensor and a Foveal Sensor

Huart, A.[Amelie] * 2003: Automated Interpretation of Ventilation-Perfusion Lung Scintigrams for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Using Support Vector Machines
Includes: Huart, A.[Amelie] Huart, A.[Amelié]

Huart, J. * 2004: Moving object extraction with a localized pyramid
* 2005: Similarity-Based and Perception-Based Image Segmentation
* 2007: Generic Process Chain to Extract Key-Objects from Video Shots, A
Includes: Huart, J. Huart, J.[Jeremy]

Huarte, M.[Maider] * 2008: Analysis of Improvements for Voter Interfaces in Polling Station and Remote Electronic Voting Systems, An

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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