Index for hund

Hund, M.[Marcus] * 2004: Fast Cost Relaxation Stereo Algorithm with Occlusion Detection for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* 2004: Fast stereo vision for mobile robots by global minima of cost functions
* 2005: Stereo Matching with Occlusion Detection Using Cost Relaxation

Hundley, W.G.[William G.] * 2015: Orthogonal Shape Modes Describing Clinical Indices of Remodeling

Hundt, C.[Christian] * 2022: Weakly-Supervised Free Space Estimation through Stochastic Co-Teaching

Hundt, E.[Eckart] * 1992: versatile DCT coding system for HDTV with interlaced and progressive scanning, A
* 1999: Error robust multiplexing for multimedia applications
* 2006: Automatic Face Modeling and Synthesis Based on Image Pairs
Includes: Hundt, E.[Eckart] Hundt, E.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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