Index for jolf

Jolfaei, A.[Alireza] * 2015: Secure Lightweight Texture Encryption Scheme, A
* 2020: Energy-efficient workload allocation in fog-cloud based services of intelligent transportation systems using a learning classifier system
* 2021: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2021: Mobility Aware Blockchain Enabled Offloading and Scheduling in Vehicular Fog Cloud Computing
* 2021: On the Security of Networked Control Systems in Smart Vehicle and Its Adaptive Cruise Control
* 2021: Preserving Privacy in the Internet of Connected Vehicles
* 2021: Self-attention-based conditional random fields latent variables model for sequence labeling
* 2021: SPEED: A Deep Learning Assisted Privacy-Preserved Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2021: Uncertain-Driven Analytics of Sequence Data in IoCV Environments
* 2022: Enhanced Multi-Stage Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Malicious Activities From Autonomous Vehicles, An
* 2022: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Context Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles
* 2022: Guest editorial: Decision making and control for connected and automated vehicles
* 2022: Investigating the Prospect of Leveraging Blockchain and Machine Learning to Secure Vehicular Networks: A Survey
* 2023: AI-Enabled Cryptographic Key Management Model for Secure Communications in the Internet of Vehicles
* 2023: Filtering Malicious Messages by Trust-Aware Cognitive Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* 2023: Intrusion Detection for Maritime Transportation Systems With Batch Federated Aggregation
* 2023: Mixed Graph Neural Network-Based Fake News Detection for Sustainable Vehicular Social Networks
* 2024: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Transfer Learning and Its Application in Intelligent Transportation
18 for Jolfaei, A.

Jolfaei, A.A.[Amirhossein Adavoudi] * 2023: Survey on Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Collection Schemes for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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