Index for josi

Josi, A.[Arthur] * 2022: Visible-infrared Person Re-identification Using Privileged Intermediate Information
* 2023: Multimodal Data Augmentation for Visual-Infrared Person ReID with Corrupted Data

Josiane, Z. * 2002: Fusion of radiometry and textural information for SIR-C image classification

Josinski, H.[Henryk] * 2010: Classification of Poses and Movement Phases
* 2010: Detection of Tumor Tissue Based on the Multispectral Imaging
* 2010: Estimation System for Forces and Torques in a Biped Motion
* 2010: Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems
* 2012: Gait Identification Based on MPCA Reduction of a Video Recordings Data
* 2012: Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Resampling
* 2012: View Independent Human Gait Recognition Using Markerless 3D Human Motion Capture
* 2013: Gait recognition based on marker-less 3D motion capture
* 2014: DTW-Based Gait Recognition from Recovered 3-D Joint Angles and Inter-ankle Distance
* 2018: Gait recognition on the basis of markerless motion tracking and DTW transform
10 for Josinski, H.

Josipovic, V.[Veliborka] * 2016: Tree Species Classification in Temperate Forests Using Formosat-2 Satellite Image Time Series

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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