Index for ka__

Ka, D.[Dongju] * 2023: Lane-changing control with balancing lane flow at freeway merge bottlenecks in a connected vehicle environment: Application of a PID controller

Ka, M. * 2018: Radar Signals With ZACZ Based on Pairs of D-Code Sequences and Their Compression Algorithm
* 2020: W-Band FMCW MIMO Radar System for High-Resolution Multimode Imaging With Time- and Frequency-Division Multiplexing

Ka, M.H. * 2008: Model-Associated Forest Parameter Retrieval Using VHF SAR Data at the Individual Tree Level
* 2017: Precision Near-Field Reconstruction in the Time Domain via Minimum Entropy for Ultra-High Resolution Radar Imaging
* 2017: Signal Processing for a Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Beat Frequency Division Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMC
* 2019: New Single-Pass SAR Interferometry Technique with a Single-Antenna for Terrain Height Measurements, A
* 2021: Limiting Accuracy of Height Measurement for a Precision Radar Altimeter in a Low Altitude Flying Vehicle above the Sea Surface
Includes: Ka, M.H. Ka, M.H.[Min-Ho]

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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