Index for kabo

Kaboli, M.[Mohsen] * 2012: Leveraging over prior knowledge for online learning of visual categories

Kabolizade, M.[Mostafa] * 2010: Improved Snake Model for Automatic Extraction of Buildings from Urban Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Genetic Algorithm, An

Kabolizadeh, M.[Mostafa] * 2020: Improved water quality mapping based on cross-fusion of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 imageries

Kabonen, A.[Alexey] * 2023: Spatial Analysis of Vegetation Cover and Permafrost Degradation for a Subarctic Palsa Mire Based on UAS Photogrammetry and GPR Data in the Kola Peninsula, The

Kabos, S.[Sandor] * 1993: Calculation and estimation of sample statistics of binary images using quadtree data representations
Includes: Kabos, S.[Sandor] Kabos, S.[Sándor]

Kaboudan, A. * 2017: Augmented Reality Maintenance Training with Intel Depth Camera

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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