Index for kaci

Kacic, P.[Patrick] * 2021: Fusing Sentinel-1 and -2 to Model GEDI-Derived Vegetation Structure Characteristics in GEE for the Paraguayan Chaco
* 2022: Deep Learning on Synthetic Data Enables the Automatic Identification of Deficient Forested Windbreaks in the Paraguayan Chaco
* 2022: Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Based on Remotely Sensed Spectral Diversity: A Review
* 2023: Forest Structure Characterization in Germany: Novel Products and Analysis Based on GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data

Kacic, Z. * 2009: Influence of Hangover and Hangbefore Criteria on Automatic Speech Recognition
* 2009: Influence of Speech/Non-Speech Segmentation on On-Line and Off-Line Speaker Segmentation Accuracy, The
* 2009: On-Line Speech/Music Segmentation for Broadcast News Domain
* 2014: Statistical machine translation of subtitles for highly inflected language pair
* 2016: Quick and efficient definition of hangbefore and hangover criteria for voice activity detection
* 2017: Real-time fingerprint image enhancement with a two-stage algorithm and block-local normalization
Includes: Kacic, Z. Kacic, Z.[Zdravko]

Kacim, M.[Mohammad] * 2018: Persistent homology for object segmentation in multidimensional grayscale images
* 2021: 2D+t track detection via relative persistent homology

Kacimi, I.[Ilias] * 2020: Contribution of Remote Sensing Technologies to a Holistic Coastal and Marine Environmental Management Framework: A Review

Kacimi, M.[Mouna] * 2022: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauthentication scheme for smartphones

Kacimi, S. * 2019: Variational Deconvolution of Conically Scanned Passive Microwave Observations With Error Quantification

Kacira, M.[Murat] * 2015: Design and implementation of a computer vision-guided greenhouse crop diagnostics system

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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