Index for kege

Kegel, I. * 2011: Enabling Composition-Based Video-Conferencing for the Home
* 2015: Experiments with Distributed Theatre
Includes: Kegel, I. Kegel, I.[Ian]

Kegelmeyer, P.[Philip] * 2001: Bagging Is a Small-Data-Set Phenomenon

Kegelmeyer, W.P.[William P.] * 1983: Minimal Error Region Merging Technique for Segmentation, A
* 1996: Combination of Multiple Classifiers Using Local Accuracy Estimates
* 1997: Combination of Multiple Classifiers Using Local Accuracy Estimates
* 1997: Computation of Cloud-base Height from Paired Whole-Sky Imaging Cameras, The
* 2003: Distributed learning with bagging-like performance
* 2007: Comparison of Decision Tree Ensemble Creation Techniques, A
* 2008: Detecting and ordering salient regions for efficient browsing
* 2008: Feature selection via decision tree surrogate splits
* 2008: Semi-supervised learning on large complex simulations
Includes: Kegelmeyer, W.P.[William P.] Kegelmeyer, Jr., W.P.[William P.] Kegelmeyer, W.P.[W. Philip] Kegelmeyer, W.P.
9 for Kegelmeyer, W.P.

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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