Index for keny

Kenyi, L.W. * 2003: Estimation of rock glacier surface deformation using SAR interferometry data

Kenyon, C.H. * 1995: Mobile Robots X
* 1996: Mobile Robot and Automated Vehicle Control Systems

Kenyon, G. * 2009: Large-scale functional models of visual cortex for remote sensing
* 2018: Image Compression: Sparse Coding vs. Bottleneck Autoencoders
* 2020: Can Lateral Inhibition for Sparse Coding Help Explain V1 Neuronal Responses To Natural Stimuli?

Kenyon, G.T.[Garrett T.] * 2004: Neurally-based algorithms for image processing
* 2005: Time-to-Collision Estimation from Motion Based on Primate Visual Processing
* 2012: Combining multiple visual processing streams for locating and classifying objects in video
* 2012: symmetry-breaking generative model of a simple-cell/complex-cell hierarchy, A
* 2016: Learning phase-rich features from streaming auditory images
* 2016: Sparse encoding of binocular images for depth inference
* 2018: Can Deep Learning Learn the Principle of Closed Contour Detection?
* 2018: Deep Sparse Coding for Invariant Multimodal Halle Berry Neurons
* 2020: Machine Learning in a Post Moore's Law World: Quantum vs. Neuromorphic Substrates
* 2020: Modeling Biological Immunity to Adversarial Examples
* 2020: Sparse MP4
* 2020: Using Sinusoidally-Modulated Noise as a Surrogate for Slow-Wave Sleep to Accomplish Stable Unsupervised Dictionary Learning in a Spike-Based Sparse Coding Model
Includes: Kenyon, G.T.[Garrett T.] Kenyon, G.T.
12 for Kenyon, G.T.

Kenyon, R.V. * 1996: Wavelet Transform and the Suppression Theory of Binocular Vision for Stereo Image Compression, The

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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