Index for ki__

Ki, D.W. * 2006: Hybrid Motion-Vector Coding Scheme Based on an Estimation of the Locality for Motion-Vector Difference, A

Ki, H.[Hyunjong] * 2004: Surface Smoothing for Enhancement of 3D Data Using Curvature-Based Adaptive Regularization

Ki, H.J.[Hyun Jong] * 2005: Motion-Based Hierarchical Active Contour Model for Deformable Object Tracking
Includes: Ki, H.J.[Hyun Jong] Ki, H.J.[Hyun-Jong]

Ki, J.S.[Jeong Seok] * 2008: 3D Gaze Estimation and Interaction
Includes: Ki, J.S.[Jeong Seok] Ki, J.S.[Jeong-Seok]

Ki, M.[Myungseok] * 2016: Fast Prediction Mode Decision in HEVC Using a Pseudo Rate-Distortion Based on Separated Encoding Structure
* 2022: Exploiting shape cues for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
Includes: Ki, M.[Myungseok] Ki, M.[Minsong]

Ki, M.S.[Myung Seok] * 2014: Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* 2014: Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* 2020: In-sample Contrastive Learning and Consistent Attention for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2021: Contrastive Attention Maps for Self-supervised Co-localization
Includes: Ki, M.S.[Myung Seok] Ki, M.S.[Min-Song]

Ki, S.[Sehwan] * 2017: Just-noticeable-quantization-distortion based preprocessing for perceptual video coding
* 2018: Fully End-to-End Learning Based Conditional Boundary Equilibrium GAN with Receptive Field Sizes Enlarged for Single Ultra-High Resolution Image Dehazing
* 2018: High-Resolution Image Dehazing with Respect to Training Losses and Receptive Field Sizes
* 2018: Learning-Based Just-Noticeable-Quantization- Distortion Modeling for Perceptual Video Coding
* 2021: Novel Just-Noticeable-Difference-Based Saliency-Channel Attention Residual Network for Full-Reference Image Quality Predictions, A
Includes: Ki, S.[Sehwan] Ki, S.

Ki, T.[Taekyung] * 2023: StyleLipSync: Style-based Personalized Lip-sync Video Generation

Ki, Y.K. * 2007: Traffic Accident Recording and Reporting Model at Intersections, A
* 2014: Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and filtering algorithm
* 2017: Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and CCTV

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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