Index for kina

Kinaci, A.C.[Ahmet Cumhur] * 2022: Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Airborne Images with Dual-Stream DeepLabV3+

Kinaci, B.F. * 2021: Cyber Attacks on Scada Based Traffic Light Control Systems in the Smart Cities

Kinahan, P.E. * 1997: Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data
* 1997: Statistical Image-Reconstruction in PET with Compensation for Missing Data
* 1999: Exact rebinning methods for three-dimensional PET
* 2001: Comparison of 3-D reconstruction with 3D-OSEM and with FORE+OSEM for PET
* 2004: Fast fully 3-D image reconstruction in PET using planograms
* 2006: Modeling and Incorporation of System Response Functions in 3-D Whole Body PET
* 2007: Optimization of Noise Equivalent Count Rate Performance for a Partially Collimated PET Scanner by Varying the Number of Septa
* 2008: Planogram Rebinning With the Frequency-Distance Relationship
* 2009: Statistical Sinogram Restoration in Dual-Energy CT for PET Attenuation Correction
* 2010: Application and Evaluation of a Measured Spatially Variant System Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* 2016: Mixed Confidence Estimation for Iterative CT Reconstruction
* 2017: Comparison Between Pre-Log and Post-Log Statistical Models in Ultra-Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
12 for Kinahan, P.E.

Kinakh, V.[Vitaliy] * 2021: ScatSimCLR: Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning with Pretext Task Regularization for Small-Scale Datasets

Kinane, S.M.[Stephen M.] * 2021: Model to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Loblolly Pine Plantations Using Landsat 5 and 7 Images, A

Kinani, J.M.V.[J.M. Vianney] * 2014: Fuzzy C-means applied to MRI images for an automatic lesion detection using image enhancement and constrained clustering
* 2018: efficient nonlinear approach for removing fixed-value impulse noise from grayscale images, An
Includes: Kinani, J.M.V.[J.M. Vianney] Kinani, J.M.V.[Jean Marie Vianney]

Kinar, N.[Nicholas] * 2022: Development of Frequency Multipliers for Terahertz Remote Sensing System, The

Kinard, C.[Corey] * 2016: Research on the Use of Puppeteering to Improve Realism in Army Simulations and Training Games

Kinauer, S.[Stefan] * 2016: Monocular Surface Reconstruction Using 3D Deformable Part Models
* 2017: Structured Output Prediction and Learning for Deep Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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