Index for knoe

Knoechel, B.[Ben] * 2013: Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property, A

Knoefel, R. * 1997: Detection of the objects with given shape on the grey-valued pictures
* 1997: Extraction of filled-in data from colour forms

Knoeppel, C. * 2013: Making Bertha See

Knoesen, A.[Andre] * 2007: Rotation- and scale-invariant texture features based on spectral moment invariants
Includes: Knoesen, A.[Andre] Knoesen, A.[André]

Knoester, R.[Rogier] * 2020: Omnieyes: Analysis and Synthesis of Artistically Painted Eyes

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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