Index for kolh

Kolhatkar, D.[Dhanvin] * 2022: Multiple Object Detection and Tracking in the Thermal Spectrum
* 2023: Enhanced Thermal-RGB Fusion for Robust Object Detection

Kolhatkar, S.[Shanat] * 2010: Real-Time Virtual Viewpoint Generation on the GPU for Scene Navigation

Kolhe, M.L.[Mohan Lal] * 2020: Human computer interactive future framework: Automation of human interaction and interfaces

Kolhe, S.R. * 2011: Database Development and Recognition of Handwritten Devanagari Legal Amount Words
* 2011: Offline Recognition of Devanagari Script: A Survey
* 2012: Automatic processing of handwritten bank cheque images: a survey
* 2021: feature-based approach for digital camera identification using photo-response non-uniformity noise, A
Includes: Kolhe, S.R. Kolhe, S.R.[Satish R.]

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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