Index for ksan

Ksantini, R.[Riadh] * 2008: Weighted Pseudometric Discriminatory Power Improvement Using a Bayesian Logistic Regression Model Based on a Variational Method
* 2009: Efficient and Fast Active Contour Model for Salient Object Detection, An
* 2009: Novel Bayesian Logistic Discriminant Model with Dirichlet Distributions: An Application to Face Recognition, A
* 2010: New SVM + NDA Model for Improved Classification and Recognition, A
* 2010: novel Bayesian logistic discriminant model: An application to face recognition, A
* 2010: Novel Human Motion Recognition Method Based on Eigenspace, A
* 2012: novel SVM+NDA model for classification with an application to face recognition, A
* 2013: new efficient active contour model without local initializations for salient object detection, A
* 2014: Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machine
* 2014: Multiple Object Detection with Occlusion Using Active Contour Model and Fuzzy C-Mean
* 2016: Feature-based active contour model and occluding object detection
* 2017: Human Face Detection Improvement Using Incremental Learning Based on Low Variance Directions
* 2019: Human Face Detection Improvement Using Incremental Learning Based on Low Variance Directions
* 2019: novel incremental one-class support vector machine based on low variance direction, A
* 2020: Coarse-to-fine Object Tracking Using Deep Features and Correlation Filters
* 2024: contrastive variational graph auto-encoder for node clustering, A
16 for Ksantini, R.

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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