Index for kvia

Kviatkovsky, I.[Igor] * 2013: Color Invariants for Person Reidentification
* 2014: Online action recognition using covariance of shape and motion
* 2015: Person identification from action styles
* 2017: On the Equivalence of the LC-KSVD and the D-KSVD Algorithms
* 2021: GAN-Control: Explicitly Controllable GANs
* 2024: Asymmetric Image Retrieval with Cross Model Compatible Ensembles
* 2024: FPGAN-Control: A Controllable Fingerprint Generator for Training with Synthetic Data
Includes: Kviatkovsky, I.[Igor] Kviatkovsky, I.
7 for Kviatkovsky, I.

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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