Index for le_t

Le Tan, D. * 2019: On-Device Scalable Image-Based Localization via Prioritized Cascade Search and Fast One-Many RANSAC

Le Tan, D.K. * 2017: Enhancing feature discrimination for unsupervised hashing
* 2017: Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search
* 2020: Simultaneous compression and quantization: A joint approach for efficient unsupervised hashing
Includes: Le Tan, D.K. Le-Tan, D.K.[Dang-Khoa]

Le Tanou, J.[Julien] * 2016: Rate-distortion optimization of a tone mapping with SDR quality constraint for backward-compatible high dynamic range compression
* 2017: Gradient-Based Tone Mapping for Rate-Distortion Optimized Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Compression
* 2018: Constant Quality Control Based on Temporal Distortion Backpropagation in HEVC
* 2019: Optimal Adaptive Quantization Based on Temporal Distortion Propagation Model for HEVC
Includes: Le Tanou, J.[Julien] Le Tanou, J.

Le Tarnec, L. * 2014: Proof of Convergence of the Horn-Schunck Optical Flow Algorithm in Arbitrary Dimension, A

Le Tien, T.[Thuong] * 2014: Using weighted dynamic range for histogram equalization to improve the image contrast
* 2018: Sparse Representation Wavelet Based Classification
Includes: Le Tien, T.[Thuong] Le-Tien, T.[Thuong]

Le Toan, T. * 2009: Forest Biophysical Parameter Estimation Using L- and P-Band Polarimetric SAR Data
* 2010: Forest Modeling For Height Inversion Using Single-Baseline InSAR/Pol-InSAR Data
* 2013: Ground-Based Array for Tomographic Imaging of the Tropical Forest in P-Band
* 2014: Temporal Survey of Polarimetric P-Band Scattering of Tropical Forests
* 2019: Estimation and Mapping of Forest Structure Parameters from Open Access Satellite Images: Development of a Generic Method with a Study Case on Coniferous Plantation
Includes: Le Toan, T. Le Toan, T.[Thuy]

Le Tourneau, M.[Melissa] * 2023: Remote-Sensing-Based Sampling Design and Prescription Mapping for Soil Acidity

Le Tourneur, G. * 1996: LISTEN: a system for locating and tracking individual speakers

Le Touz, N. * 2024: Mathematical Analysis of Clustering-Free Local SAR Compression Algorithms for MRI Safety in Parallel Transmission, A

Le Traon, Y.[Yves] * 2021: Evasion Attack STeganography: Turning Vulnerability Of Machine Learning To Adversarial Attacks Into A Real-world Application
* 2022: LGV: Boosting Adversarial Example Transferability from Large Geometric Vicinity

Le Troter, A.[Arnaud] * 2004: Soccer Field Detection in Video Images Using Color and Spatial Coherence
* 2013: Model-Driven Harmonic Parameterization of the Cortical Surface: HIP-HOP
Includes: Le Troter, A.[Arnaud] Le Troter, A.

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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