Index for lowi

Lowit, B.[Benjamin] * 2018: Multi-camera Microenvironment to Capture Multi-view Time-Lapse Videos for 3D Analysis of Aging Objects
* 2018: Spatiotemporal 3D Models of Aging Fruit from Multi-view Time-Lapse Videos

Lowitz, G.E. * 1978: Stability and dimensionality of Karhunen-Loêve multispectral image expansions
* 1978: What a Histogram Can Really Tell the Classifier
* 1983: Can a Local Histogram Really Map Texture Information?
* 1984: CLADYN, A New Compressor for Numerical Color TV and Multispectral Images
* 1984: Mapping the local information content of a spatial image
* 1984: What the Fourier Transform Can Really Bring to Clustering
Includes: Lowitz, G.E. Lowitz, G.E.[Gabriel E.]

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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