Index for sarh

Sarhadi, M. * 1998: Reconstructing 3d Pose and Motion from a Single Camera View
* 2000: Building Temporal Models for Gesture Recognition
* 2000: Non-linear statistical models for the 3D reconstruction of human pose and motion from monocular image sequences
* 2002: non-linear model of shape and motion for tracking finger spelt American sign language, A
* 2004: Adaptive two-pass rank order filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted images
Includes: Sarhadi, M. Sarhadi, M.[Mansoor]

Sarhan, A. * 2018: Advances in Crowd Analysis for Urban Applications Through Urban Event Detection
* 2020: Utilizing Transfer Learning and a Customized Loss Function for Optic Disc Segmentation from Retinal Images
* 2021: H-OCS: A Hybrid Optic Cup Segmentation of Retinal Images
* 2021: Transfer Learning Through Weighted Loss Function and Group Normalization for Vessel Segmentation from Retinal Images
Includes: Sarhan, A. Sarhan, A.[Abdullah]

Sarhan, A.M. * 1999: Partition-Based Weighted Sum Filters for Image Restoration

Sarhan, E.[Ebada] * 2011: Post classification using Cellular Automata for Landsat images in developing countries
* 2011: Road extraction framework by using cellular neural network from remote sensing images

Sarhan, M.H.[Mhd Hasan] * 2020: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation for Surgical Instruments
* 2020: Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations
* 2020: Microaneurysms segmentation and diabetic retinopathy detection by learning discriminative representations

Sarhan, N. * 2020: Transfer Learning For Videos: From Action Recognition To Sign Language Recognition
* 2021: Sign, Attend and Tell: Spatial Attention for Sign Language Recognition
* 2023: Hands in Focus: Sign Language Recognition Via Top-Down Attention
* 2023: Pseudodepth-SLR: Generating Depth Data for Sign Language Recognition
* 2023: Unraveling a Decade: A Comprehensive Survey on Isolated Sign Language Recognition
Includes: Sarhan, N. Sarhan, N.[Noha]

Sarhan, N.J. * 2009: Workload-Aware Resource Sharing and Cache Management for Scalable Video Streaming
* 2010: Detailed Performance and Waiting-Time Predictability Analysis of Scheduling Options in On-Demand Video Streaming
* 2012: Client-Driven Price Selection for Scalable Video Streaming with Advertisements
* 2016: Scalable Solution for Interactive Near Video-on-Demand Systems, A
* 2021: Experimental Analysis of Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in Computer Vision Systems
Includes: Sarhan, N.J. Sarhan, N.J.[Nabil J.]

Sarhan, S.[Shahenda] * 2020: Cryptographic keys exchange model for smart city applications

Sarhangnejad, N.[Navid] * 2018: Coded Two-Bucket Cameras for Computer Vision

Sarhosis, V. * 2017: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documentation In Nepal
* 2018: Share Our Cultural Heritage (SOCH): Worldwide 3D Heritage Reconstruction and Visualization via Web and Mobile GIS
* 2021: Destructive M6.2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020: Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research
Includes: Sarhosis, V. Sarhosis, V.[Vasilis]

Sarhrouni, E. * 2015: Hyperspectral images classification and Dimensionality Reduction using Homogeneity feature and mutual information
* 2015: Improved filter algorithm using inequality fano to select bands for HSI classification

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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