Index for scab

Scabia, M. * 2008: Real-Time 2-D Vector Doppler System for Clinical Experimentation, A

Scabini, L.[Leonardo] * 2022: complex network approach for fish species recognition based on otolith shape, A

Scabini, L.F.S.[Leonardo F. S.] * 2015: Texture Analysis by Bag-Of-Visual-Words of Complex Networks
* 2019: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Species Characterization Based on Leaf Midrib
* 2019: Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks as Texture Feature Extractors
* 2019: Web-Based System to Assess Texture Analysis Methods and Datasets, A
* 2020: Fusion of complex networks and randomized neural networks for texture analysis
* 2022: Complex Texture Features Learned by Applying Randomized Neural Network on Graphs
* 2023: RADAM: Texture recognition through randomized aggregated encoding of deep activation maps
Includes: Scabini, L.F.S.[Leonardo F. S.] Scabini, L.F.S.[Leonardo F.S.]
7 for Scabini, L.F.S.

Scaboo, A.[Andrew] * 2019: Estimation of the Maturity Date of Soybean Breeding Lines Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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