Index for sebi

Sebillo, M.[Monica] * 2007: Potentialities of Chorems as Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Contents
* 2007: Predicate Tree: A Metaphor for Visually Describing Complex Boolean Queries, The
* 2008: Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility, An
* 2008: Embedding Google Maps APIs into WebRatio for the Automatic Generation of Web GIS Applications
* 2020: Citizen-Centric Approach for the Improvement of Territorial Services Management, A

Sebillot, P.[Pascale] * 2011: comprehensive neural-based approach for text recognition in videos using natural language processing, A
* 2011: Exploiting Speech for Automatic TV Delinearization: From Streams to Cross-Media Semantic Navigation
* 2014: Text recognition in multimedia documents: A study of two neural-based OCRs using and avoiding character segmentation
* 2016: Shaping-Up Multimedia Analytics: Needs and Expectations of Media Professionals
* 2017: Exploiting Multimodality in Video Hyperlinking to Improve Target Diversity
Includes: Sebillot, P.[Pascale] Sébillot, P.[Pascale]

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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