Index for shut

Shuter, B. * 2006: Segmentation of Kidney Cortex in MRI Studies using a Constrained Morphological 3D H-maxima Transform
* 2006: Set-based Hybrid Approach (SHA) for MRI Segmentation, A

Shutin, D. * 2020: Consensus Based Distributed Sparse Bayesian Learning by Fast Marginal Likelihood Maximization

Shutler, J. * 2013: ESA FELYX High Resolution Diagnostic Data Set System Design and Implementation, The
* 2020: Sensitivity of Modeled CO2 Air-Sea Flux in a Coastal Environment to Surface Temperature Gradients, Surfactants, and Satellite Data Assimilation
Includes: Shutler, J. Shutler, J.[Jamie]

Shutler, J.D. * 2001: Zernike Velocity Moments for Description and Recognition of Moving Shapes
* 2004: Analysis of a human extraction system for deploying gait biometrics
* 2006: Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features
* 2018: Correction of Sensor Saturation Effects in MODIS Oceanic Particulate Inorganic Carbon
* 2018: Statistical Modeling Framework for Characterising Uncertainty in Large Datasets: Application to Ocean Colour, A
* 2018: Tracking Fine-Scale Structural Changes in Coastal Dune Morphology Using Kite Aerial Photography and Uncertainty-Assessed Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
Includes: Shutler, J.D. Shutler, J.D.[Jamie D.]

Shutova, A.[Alina] * 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering

Shutoy, H.Y.[Hoi Yin] * 2006: Cooperative Source and Channel Coding for Wireless Video Transmission

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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