Index for staw

Stawarz, M.[Magdalena] * 2012: System for Analysis of Tremor in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Based on Motion Capture Technique, A

Stawczyk, P.[Pawel] * 2022: High-power acoustic fire extinguisher with artificial intelligence platform
* 2022: using of deep neural networks and natural mechanisms of acoustic wave propagation for extinguishing flames, The

Staweno, J.[Justin] * 2021: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stain Images for Microbiology

Stawiaski, J.[Jean] * 2009: Minimum spanning tree adaptive image filtering
* 2009: Morphology on Graphs and Minimum Spanning Trees
* 2010: Stochastic Evaluation of the Contour Strength, A

Stawicki, P. * 2020: Performance of a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential and Eye Gaze Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface on Participants With and Without a Brain Injury

Stawowy, M.[Marek] * 2021: Analysis and Modelling of the Quality of Information Acquired from Weather Station Sensors, The

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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