Index for yaki

Yakimov, P. * 2016: Comparative evaluation of deblurring techniques for Fresnel lens computational imaging
* 2016: Evaluating imaging quality of the offner hyperspectrometer
* 2019: Deep Learning-Based Imaging using Single-Lens and Multi-Aperture Diffractive Optical Systems

Yakimovsky, Y.[Yoram] * 1973: Scene Analysis Using a Semantic Base for Region Growing
* 1973: Semantics-Based Decision Theory Region Analyzer, A
* 1974: Decision Theory and Artificial Intelligence: I. A Semantics Based Region Analyzer
* 1974: On the Recognition of Complex Structures: Computer Software Using AI Applied to Pattern Recognition
* 1975: Boundary and Object Detection in Real World Images
* 1975: Sequential Decision Based Edge Detection
* 1976: Boundary and Object Detection in Real World Images
* 1977: Semantics-Based Decision Theory Region Analyzer, A
* 1978: System for Extracting 3-D Measurements from a Stereo Pair of TV Camera, A
Includes: Yakimovsky, Y.[Yoram] Yakimovsky, Y.
9 for Yakimovsky, Y.

Yakir, D.[Dan] * 2022: Disentangling Soil, Shade, and Tree Canopy Contributions to Mixed Satellite Vegetation Indices in a Sparse Dry Forest

Index for "y"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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