Index for zark

Zarka, N.[Nizar] * 2009: Recognition-Based Segmentation Algorithm for On-Line Arabic Handwriting
* 2010: Embedded system for real-time human motion detection

Zarkhin, N.[Nina] * 2022: Effects of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Reliability on Performance of Signalized Intersection Traffic Control, The

Zarko, I.P.[Ivana Podnar] * 2024: Comparing Remote and Proximal Sensing of Agrometeorological Parameters across Different Agricultural Regions in Croatia: A Case Study Using ERA5-Land, Agri4Cast, and In Situ Stations during the Period 2019-2021
Includes: Zarko, I.P.[Ivana Podnar] Žarko, I.P.[Ivana Podnar]

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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