Index for zopp

Zoppetti, C. * 2011: robust change detection feature for Cosmo-SkyMed detected SAR images, A
* 2013: Nonparametric Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images Based on Mean-Shift Clustering
* 2015: Range Image Processing for Real Time Hospital-Room Monitoring
* 2017: Optimizing SAR change detection based on log-ratio features
* 2018: Augmented Virtuality for Coastal Management: A Holistic Use of In Situ and Remote Sensing for Large Scale Definition of Coastal Dynamics
* 2023: Fusion of VNIR Optical and C-Band Polarimetric SAR Satellite Data for Accurate Detection of Temporal Changes in Vegetated Areas
Includes: Zoppetti, C. Zoppetti, C.[Claudia]

Zoppetti, N.[Nicola] * 2019: May Radiomic Data Predict Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness?
* 2021: Distributed Modular Data Processing Chain Applied to Simulated Satellite Ozone Observations, A

Zoppis, A.[Alexandre] * 2022: From SMOS Soil Moisture to 3-hour Precipitation Estimates at 0.1° Resolution in Africa

Zoppis, I. * 2002: 3D data acquisition an elaboration for classification an recognition of objects and people

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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