Bono, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Path Planning and Control of a UAV Fleet in Bridge Management Systems
Bono, C.M.[Claire M.]
Co Author Listing * Object Recognition on a Systolic Array
Bono, G.[Guillaume]
Co Author Listing * Learning to Navigate Efficiently and Precisely in Real Environments
* Solving Multi-Agent Routing Problems Using Deep Attention Mechanisms
Bono, J.W.[James W.]
Co Author Listing * Deep Reinforcement Learning for Event-Driven Multi-Agent Decision Processes
Bonome, Y.G.[Yadira Garnica]
Co Author Listing * Design and Assessment of Two Handling Interaction Techniques for 3D Virtual Objects Using the Myo Armband
Bonomi, F.
Co Author Listing * Layered Internet Video Adaptation (LIVA): Network-Assisted Bandwidth Sharing and Transient Loss Protection for Video Streaming
* Proxy-Based Multi-Stream Scalable Video Adaptation Over Wireless Networks Using Subjective Quality and Rate Models
Bonomi, L.[Luca]
Co Author Listing * Optimal group route query: Finding itinerary for group of users in spatial databases
Bonomi, M.[Mattia]
Co Author Listing * Contactless approach for heart rate estimation for QoE assessment
* Dynamic texture analysis for detecting fake faces in video sequences
* Towards QOE estimation of 3D contents through non-invasive methods
Includes: Bonomi, M.[Mattia] Bonomi, M.
Bonomi, T.[Tullia]
Co Author Listing * 3D Geodatabase for Urban Underground Infrastructures: Implementation and Application to Groundwater Management in Milan Metropolitan Area, A
Bonora, A.
Co Author Listing * Environmental Microclimate Management and Risk in The Unesco World Heritage Site of Villa Barbaro Maser (Italy)
Bonora, R.[Rodolfo]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Spatiotemporal Diffusion of COVID-19 in Lombardy (Italy) on the Base of Emergency Medical Services Activities
Bonora, V.
Co Author Listing * D3mobile Metrology World League: Training Secondary Students on Smartphone-based Photogrammetry
* Digital Workflow for the Acquisition And Elaboration of 3D Data in A Monumental Complex: the Fortress of Saint John the Baptist in Florence
* Florence Baptistery: 3-d Survey As A Knowledge Tool For Historical And Structural Investigations, The
* From Real to ... real. A Review of Geomatic and Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Solid Modelling in Cultural Heritage Field
* Geomatic 3D Modeling of a Statue (also) for Structural Analysis and Risk Evaluation: the Example of San Giovannino Martelli in Florence
* High-quality 3D Models And Their Use in A Cultural Heritage Conservation Project
* Improving Quality and Inclusive Education on Photogrammetry: New Teaching Approaches and Multimedia Supporting Materials
* Laser Scanning And Modelling of Barely Visible Features: the Survey Of The Grotto of the Animals At the Villa of Castello (florence)
8 for Bonora, V.
Bonotto, M.[Matteo]
Co Author Listing * CombiNeRF: A Combination of Regularization Techniques for Few-Shot Neural Radiance Field View Synthesis