Cowlagi, R.V.
Co Author Listing * Multiresolution Motion Planning for Autonomous Agents via Wavelet-Based Cell Decompositions
Cowles, J.
Co Author Listing * Cluster Definition by the Optimization of Simple Measures
* Convex Hull Inclusion Test, A
Cowley, A.[Anthony]
Co Author Listing * Fast Segmentation via Randomized Hashing
Cowley, B.[Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * Electromyograph and keystroke dynamics for spoof-resistant biometric authentication
Cowley, D.[Dave]
Co Author Listing * Editorial for Special Issue: Archaeological Remote Sensing in the 21st Century: (Re)Defining Practice and Theory
* Towards a Satellite System for Archaeology? Simulation of an Optical Satellite Mission with Ideal Spatial and Temporal Resolution, Illustrated by a Case Study in Scotland
Cowling, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of techniques for environmental sound recognition
Cowling, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Bat Wing Beat Frequency Using Fourier Transform
Cowling, P.I.[Peter I.]
Co Author Listing * Fusing integrated visual vocabularies-based bag of visual words and weighted colour moments on spatial pyramid layout for natural scene image classification