Index for exbr

Exbrayat, J.F.[Jean Francois] Co Author Listing * Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Kenyan Forests and Wooded Grasslands Derived from Earth Observation and Model-Data Fusion
Includes: Exbrayat, J.F.[Jean Francois] Exbrayat, J.F.[Jean-François]

Exbrayat, M. Co Author Listing * Classification of Ceramic Shards Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Classification of engraved pottery sherds mixing deep-learning features by compact bilinear pooling
* Facsimiles-based deep learning for matching relief-printed decorations on medieval ceramic sherds
Includes: Exbrayat, M. Exbrayat, M.[Matthieu]

Index for "e"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:11:00
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