1.8 B.3 Sensors and optics

Chapter Contents (Back)

Mikaelian, A.L.,
Computer And Holographic Optics And Image Processing (Moscow, Russia, August 27-30,
1997), Proc. SPIE 3348. BibRef

Casasent, D.P., Chao, T.H.,
Optical Pattern Recognition Ix (Orlando, Fl, April 14-15,
1998), Proc. SPIE 3386. BibRef

Pape, D.R.,
Advances In Optical Information Procesing Viii (Orlando, Fl, April 15-16,
1998), Proc. SPIE 3388. BibRef

Chapel, P.H., Miller, D.A.B., Thienpont, H.,
Optics In Computing (Brugge, Belgium, June 17-20,
1998), Proc. SPIE 3490. BibRef

Javidi, B., Psaltis, D.,
Algorithms, Devices, And Systems For Optical Information Processing (San Diego, Ca, July 20-23,
1998), Proc. SPIE 3466. BibRef

Paradiso, J.A.,
Guest Ed., [Special Issue On] Computer Graphics I/O Devices,
CG&A(18), No. 3, May 1998, pp. 26-65. BibRef

Bolduc, M., Levine, M.D.,
A Review Of Biologically Motivated Space-Variant Data Reduction Models For Robotic Vision,
CVIU(69), 1998, pp. 170-184. BibRef

Onoe, Y., Yamazawa, K., Takemura, H., Yokoya, N.,
Telepresence By Real-Time View-Dependent Image Generation From Omnidirectional Video Streams,
CVIU(71), 1998, pp. 154-165. BibRef

Zheng, J.Y., Tsuji, S.,
Generating Dynamic Projection Images For Scene Representation And Understanding,
CVIU(72), 1998, pp. 237-256. BibRef

Lim, F.L., Venkatesh, S., West, G.A.W.,
Resolution Consideration In Spatially Variant Sensors,
IVC(15), 1997, pp. 901-912. BibRef

Elnagar, A.,
Optimal Error Discretization Under Depth And Range Constraints,
PRL(19), 1998, pp. 879-888. BibRef

Basu, A., Wiebe, K.J.,
Enhancing Video Conferencing Using Spatially Varying Sensing,
T-SMC(A28), 1998, pp. 137-148. BibRef

Baker, S., Nayar, S.K.,
A Theory Of Catadioptric Image Formation,
ICCV 98(35-42). BibRef

Svoboda, T., Pajdla, T., Hlavac, V.,
Epipolar Geometry Of Panoramic Cameras,
ECCV-A 98(218-231). BibRef

Boult, T.E.,
Remote Reality Demonstration,
CVPR 98(966-). BibRef

Kawanishi, T., Yamazawa, K., Iwasa, H., Takemura, H., Yokoya, N.,
Generation Of High-Resolution Stereo Panoramic Images By Omnidirectional Imaging Sensor Using Hexagonal Pyramidal Mirrors,
ICPR 98(485-489). BibRef

Onoe, Y., Yokoya, N., Yamazawa, K., Takemura, H.,
Visual Surveillance And Monitoring System Using An Omnidirectional Video Camera,
ICPR 98(588-592). BibRef

Benosman, R., Devars, J.,
Panoramic Stereovision Sensor,
ICPR 98(767-769). BibRef

Park, S., Teuner, A., Hosticka, B.,
A Motion Detection System Based On A Cmos Photo Sensor Array,
ICIP-C 98(967-971). BibRef

Konolige, K.G., Bolles, R.C.,
Extra Sets Of Eyes,
IUW 98(25-32). BibRef

Boult, T.E.,
Remote Reality Ominidirectional Imaging,
IUW 98(1049-1052). BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1998 continues in
B.4 Visual perception .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50