Index for adco

Adcock, A.[Aaron] * 2014: Classification of hepatic lesions using the matching metric
* 2022: Revisiting Weakly Supervised Pre-Training of Visual Perception Models
* 2023: effectiveness of MAE pre-pretraining for billion-scale pretraining, The
* 2023: FACET: Fairness in Computer Vision Evaluation Benchmark
* 2023: Vision-Language Models Performing Zero-Shot Tasks Exhibit Disparities Between Gender Groups

Adcock, B. * 2014: On Stable Reconstructions from Nonuniform Fourier Measurements
* 2016: Efficient Compressed Sensing SENSE pMRI Reconstruction With Joint Sparsity Promotion
* 2016: Note on Compressed Sensing of Structured Sparse Wavelet Coefficients From Subsampled Fourier Measurements, A
* 2019: Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning: Dependence on Training Data
* 2021: Improved Recovery Guarantees and Sampling Strategies for TV Minimization in Compressive Imaging
Includes: Adcock, B. Adcock, B.[Ben]

Adcock, J.[John] * 2005: Interactive Video Search Using Multilevel Indexing
* 2007: FXPAL MediaMagic video search system
* 2008: Experiments in interactive video search by addition and subtraction
* 2008: FXPAL collaborative exploratory video search system

Adcock, M. * 2013: Virtual 3D Models of Insects for Accelerated Quarantine Control

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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